Build It Yourself - Do It Yourself - Plans And Manuals

about go2manuals

On our website we offer a download service for workshop manuals. This service is provided in order to help you be more prepared with the proper information when working on do-it-yourself projects.

Our download service will automatically send you an email to the email address you have registered with your PayPal account, or the email address you used when paying for your product if you don't have a PayPal account.

Purchasers will also be redirected to a purchase details page after completing the PayPal transaction where a loading gif will be presented while the transaction is being finalized.

Once the transaction is finalized the purchaser will see a 60 second timer that will be presented while the download link is generated.

After the 60 seconds a link to the download page will appear. Click this link to advance to the download page.

On the download page you are presented with your purchase details and a note as to how long the download link will be active, generally 24 hours. You will also be presented with how much time is left on that active link.

Once this time has passed, the link will no longer be available. However if there is an issue with you not having been able to download your product, there is a contact us link at the bottom of the page where you can send us an email and we will respond promptly. Please allow extra time on weekends.

Also, if your download is in a zip file, be sure to follow the download instructions below to right click to extract and decompress the contents before use or they will not work.

Thank you for visiting our site! Enjoy!!!

Do-it-Yourself Build-it-Yourself Plans and Manuals

Helping You Get Things Done!